Stepping Up to the Refrigerant Challenge

The refrigeration and air conditioning industry is under close scrutiny. Consumers and legislators are demanding products with minimal global warming potential (GWP). We can help you meet this challenge

If you use refrigerant gases, keeping up with increasingly strict legislation can be quite a challenge. You need to be fully aware of the environmental impact of your products and services. This is measured in two ways:

1. Direct
The leakage of refrigerant gases into the atmosphere can cause ozone depletion and contribute to global warming.

2. Indirect
Refrigeration and air conditioning systems consume energy, which raises CO2 emissions and contributes to global warming.

Industry Progress

Substantial advances have been made over the past two decades.  The Montreal Protocol has successfully phased out the highest ozone-depleting substances (CFC) and is making good progress on other fronts (such as HCFCs). Manufacturers have also developed new, more eco-friendly refrigerants and new appliances to use these alternatives.

More recently, new legislation and growing consumer demands are pushing the industry to further reduce the GWP of refrigeration systems. The market is now seeing the emergence of new, lower-GWP refrigerants (including hydrofluoroolefins or HFOs and natural refrigerants) and a greater focus on leak detection coupled with the effective recovery and destruction of used refrigerants. 

Guiding Hand

Whether you’re involved in air conditioning, commercial refrigeration, process chilling or heat extraction, we can help you comply with environmental regulations and achieve your sustainability agenda. You can rely on our unrivalled industry knowledge and proven technical expertise to make sense of an increasingly complex industry and legislative landscape.

In short, we can give you all the information you need to make the right choice – for your business, for the environment and for society. Our offering includes:

    - Assistance in understanding legislation, its impact on you and ways of ensuring effective compliance. This includes information on ozon depletion, global warming, CFC phase-out and EU HCFC phase-out legislation
    - Wide range of fluorocarbon and natural refrigerant gases including non-ozone-depleting products with lower GWP
    - Information on the environmental impact and benefits of refrigerants
    - Technical support to identify the best refrigerant solution for your needs, including alternatives when retrofitting an existing system -  HCFC retrofit information & CFC retrofit information
    - Recovery, reclamation and destruction services
    - Safety audits under our product stewardship programme to ensure you have the right processes in place.

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